Montana, Basketball, and everything in between.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Welcome to my Blog
This is an odd collection of the state Montana basketball as seen through my eyes and interest. For those who know me it should come of no surprise that that among the topics you will find here are Montana State basketball and recruiting, but I am also going to discuss the University of Montana, and Montana high school basketball. I will not be ignoring women’s basketball but admittedly most of my connections are on the men’s side. There is also the chance I could cover some football recruiting news as I come across it.
The Blog is very simple at this point. I did attempt to come out of the shut with a much more wiz bang version, but I am not there yet, so I went back to a very strait forward version to get it up and running quicker. I am taking a learn as you go approach to this whole thing, so please excuse the mess, and comments or suggestions are welcome ….encouraged.
Rules of Engagement
I encourage anyone who has a different opinions or corrections to anything that may appear on this bog to post a comment, or email me. I can screw thing up quite often. That said one of the biggest challenges I think on the Internet is to balance censorship with a level of civility and respect. This site will error on the side of latter when it comes to material posted. If someone has something critical to say about a person/player I am going to be looking for civility and respect even if you do not like the person. Hint if you say something critical it lend credence to your argument to acknowledge the positive. I will have a sliding scale of what I find acceptable when commenting on a players. High school players at one end and pro players at the other with college players somewhere in-between.
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